Dr. Tamara TillemanApr 12, 2023Newsletter 1-2-3 Wordsthis weeks 3 words are Flamenco, Picasso, Almodovar, and how does this relate to celebrity, gam gam, and motherhood.
Dr. Tamara TillemanMar 29, 2023Newsletter 1-2-3 WordsThis weeks words are Culture, applicability, biomimicry And how does this relate to Confucius, a car sticker, and innovation.
Dr. Tamara TillemanMar 23, 2023Newsletter 1-2-3 WordsThis weeks 3 words are Logotherapy, Storytelling, Pausing, and how does this relate to daylight saving time, staying alive, and hedgehogs.
Dr. Tamara TillemanMar 15, 2023Newletter 1-2-3 WordsThe 3 words are Pi Day (14.03), Parallel Universe, and Anchor, and how this relates to MIT, Einstein, and this week's Oscar winners
Dr. Tamara TillemanMar 9, 2023Newsletter 1-2-3 WordsThe 3 words are serendipity, synchronicity, and prompt, And how is this related to artificial intelligence and watches.